H.A Smith & Son

Restorers & Upholsterers of Antique & Modern Furniture


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 1. How do I go about getting a quote?

Simply give Alan Smith a call: 07745 406 175. Alan will be able to either give a quote over the phone, or come to inspect the job in question and quote from there. All quotes are free.

2.  Do H. A. Smith & Son collect the work?

Yes. We will come and collect the piece of furniture, do the work required at our workshop on Harrow on the Hill and then deliver the finished item back to you. We provide this service within London and outer London.

3.  How long will the work take?

This very much depends on the size and work involved in the project. We will however give you a reliable time frame at the point when the job is booked.

4.  Do H. A. Smith & Son do larger restoration or French Polishing on site?

We can take on larger jobs and will come and work on site. Some of our bigger clients and jobs have included: Harrow School, Japan Homes, various hotels, Bentley Priory, 20th Century Fox and even work abroad.

5.  Do you offer upholstery for all types of furniture?

We can upholster anything in any material requested. We can use our extensive knowledge to advise the client on what may be best for a particular piece of furniture and will source all the materials required.

For more information, quotes and advice please call:

   Alan Smith


   Mobile - 07745 406 175

   Telephone - 0208 422 3963 / 0208 864 2335